The Schoenbrunn Palace Orchestra Vienna is a  renowned and internationally acclaimed Viennese chamber orchestra that translates the glamorous era of Imperial Vienna into music. In addition to a high level of musical quality, this orchestra sets itself apart by interpreting music with a unified sound, a delightful stage presence and impeccable appearance. The Orchestra performs regularly  at the Orangery of  Scoenbrunn, the  former  Imperial Summer Palace of the Austrian Hungarian Monarchy . and play an essential role in Vienna’s cultural life   The members of the orchestra are young, dedicated and artistically highly qualified musicians. All of them have previously played in various orchestras and well-known concert halls in Austria and have received their education and training at internationally renowned conservatories and universities The orchestra works since 1997 with its Chief Conductor Maestro Guido Mancusi as well as the principal guest conductor Vinicius Kattch, Mathias Fletzberger,David Scarr, Mika Eichenholtz and Rick Stengards are constant conductors of Schoenbrunn Palace Orchestra

 In addition to its legendary presentations in the Schoenbrunn Palace Orangery, the Orchestra  also  performs internationally on selected occasions,  both in Europe and overseas. During previous concert tours, the orchestra was enthusiastically received in Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Japan, Italy,  the Netherlands, Germany, Greece,Spain, China, Switzerland , Russia, Australia, Dubai and South America

The Orchestra’s repertoire focuses on the works of  classical composers Wolfgang Amadeus  Mozart, the Strauss family , Franz Lehar and other composers of that era. The Schoenbrunn Palace Orchestra attaches great importance to Viennese-style interpretation of the pieces it plays. The orchestra excels in interpreting the works of classical Viennese composers and Viennese music with a subtle and individual touch, always adding that “Viennese” note. The orchestra has a longstanding tradition of working with  opera and operetta singers and ballet dancers.