An original author’s project created by Ukrainian theatre producer and stage director, Natalie Vasilchuk , combining unusual fairy tale story , with the scenery and costumes made by the hundreds of magically colorful balloons and using all sorts of balloon tricks
.A dynamic interactive show for the whole family ,with clowns, mimes and acrobats from Ukraine Russia and Poland
An amazing fairy tale story taking place in Balloonland ,rules by an inflatable King Balloon, which tells the adventures of his daughter, the Princess Ballotta who dreams to fly as far possible out of the inflatable castle and the inflatable kingdom of her father ,to see a new, different world…
The show uses playback and the voice-overs are done in different languages ( Russian, English, Spanish, Polish,Czech, Slovak , Greek and German ) and was presented in Poland, Spain, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Greece,Israel,Lebanon, Dubai, for more than 300 thousands of Happy Spectators !!